Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Catch Up
It has been a long 3 weeks.....(since my last post). The first week we moved out of our house, second week I had VACATION, and third was my first week of school! Which by the way, I survived was the longest week of my life, but I made it and loved every minute of it!
My Girls are doing great! Ab is doing well in school, made a 95 on her very first big test.....missed one question! Anna Grace has just been her cute typical self~she has been ill this weekend, so we are headed to the doctor:(
Abby has been wanting her pic made in a cotton field for the longest, she has figured out that her clothes come from "a field" and she is so fascinated. I have been so busy, I had forgotten all about it and most of the fields near our house had already been picked. Thank goodness there was one in front of Mom's house just waiting to be picked.
The pic of Abby in the pumpkin suit was hand painted by my friend Monica. I worked with her at the CU and she had made her little girl one and offered to make my girls a suit. Of course I was thrilled~she did a fantastic job!! Anna Grace has one also, but everytime she wears it she has an accident in it :( Not sure what the problem is, but that is the reason she isn't in the pic!! **Maybe it won't take so long for my next post! Until then.............
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Anna Talk
Then, this morning my sister picked Anna Grace up to keep her for the day. Somewhere in the midst of Anna's conversation, she said we have Trucity. Mandi thought she was talking about a cat or something and asked her if Trucity was a cat. Anna Grace said "No, it works the TV".......'Electricity'. Duh Aunt Mandi, you should have just known that :) We think Anna Grace is a hoot...she keeps us going with her eyebrow movements and her talk; and occasionally a few little temper tantrums here and there. That is why we love her though!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Small Things
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lunch with Grandma Brumley
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Princess Anna & Princess Abby
Abby & Anna Grace were in my cousin Deanna's wedding in August. They were flower girls as you can see. I think they looked absolutely beautiful :) Deanna & Caleb's wedding was gorgeous and we were so honored they asked our little angels to be a part of their big day! Thanks Deanna & Caleb.
Friday, September 19, 2008
In about 3 weeks, I will be joining Abby in the whole 'school' thing. Well, not her school, but on October 14th I will be starting Cosmetology school in Paragould. Yay!!!!! I can hardly wait, this has been a dream of mine for about 8 or 9 years now. Eric is finally allowing me to leave my job and take the plunge..hah! He is ready for me to make the big money so he can retire! So say a prayer for me as I venture out into a whole new world. I haven't been to school in a long time and I am a little nervous about leaving my comfort zone. Abby and I will get thru this together ;)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Ronda
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008