Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Small Things

Okay, so God really let me have it this morning. First, let's go back to yesterday. We are moving and I come home from work and I have no furniture, no washer or dryer, and no refrigerator. I knew this was going to happen, but we are still staying the night there; well for 2 more nights. Anyway, I was asking Eric "how am I suppose to feed my kids, or do laundry, and where are they suppose to sit while I feed them oats". It hit me today, how many times do I acutally thank God for little things like my refrigerator or my couch or food~how selfish have I been? Most of the time when I pray, I thank God for everything I have in general, not really noting specifics. With so much reading of other blogs and talk about Ethiopia and such places, I can't help but to stop and Thank God for everything around me; because I truly am blessed. Some don't have the luxury of appliances, furniture, clothing, or even food-basic things that I think I can't live without. I am so Thankful that God spared my family and my children of those heartaches, but also saddened and heartbroken. All I can do for others now is pray to end poverty, hunger, and even abuse. From now on, I will stop and notice the small things and be thankful for them.

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