Meet Jax! He is the newest addition to our family. Eric & I went to Kentucky yesterday and picked him up. The girls were both really excited....I on the other hand, not so much. My life is so busy right now, I'm not really sure how this will work. Plus, if you know me at all you know I am not an animal person:( dogs are cute, but almost like another child.
Anyway, I will do my best-my husband loves dogs and we are trying to get the girls where they are not so scared of animals. Anna Grace has been terrified of dogs until Meme got a Yorkie (Sammy). She loves Sammy and is very gentle with him,for the most part. Now with Jax it is a total different story. Last nite she drug him around the house and was very bossy. Something tells me this might change, ummm once he starts staying awake and getting playful. Only time will tell.....
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